Welcome from Mayor Latimer
Horn Lake is a city on the move. We strive to assist our established businesses and we welcome new quality businesses to our city. Our city ordinances are to ensure long term benefits to business and maintain Horn Lake as a good place to live, shop, and raise a family. As we grow we keep our goal of a quality of life for our citizens. Our city has an excellent parks system with many trails and outdoor areas for all to enjoy the beauty of Mississippi’s natural resources. Horn Lake is a Tree City and known as the Greenest City in Mississippi.
The DeSoto County School system, the largest in the state and highly rated, has four campuses in Horn Lake. Students are able to attend excellent schools in modern facilities with dedicated and professional staff. Close by is the campus of Northwest Community College which now has a branch of the University of Mississippi. As a result, students can now get up to a four year college education and never have to leave their homes. This has opened wide opportunities for many who may not have been able to otherwise obtain a degree.
We are blessed to have an outstanding Chamber of Commerce in Horn Lake. Their offices are in City Hall. Due to this location when questions arise the Chamber is able to communicate quickly with the appropriate department to provide answers for its members. The City administration strives to work closely with the Chamber and I urge each of you to become a member.
Again, whether you are coming to Horn Lake to open a business or become a resident we welcome you to our fair city.